
Posts Tagged ‘relationship marketing’

Personalizing a marketing message is a powerful way to connect and increase trust among your prospects. Someone is more apt to take notice when spoken to directly. It says you’ve taken a little effort to address me individually.

When I worked on a project to increase United Way charity donations among employees of a particular company, we took a different approach from the prior year. We gathered the names of all employees and, where applicable their prior year donation amounts. We wrote a marketing letter where we merged their names into the letter and, where applicable provided a reminder of last year’s donation amount and a new suggested donation amount that was 10% higher than the previous year.

The result was significant. We saw a 235% increase in the number of pledges over the prior year and a 23% increase in dollars raised–making this company the area leader in United Way pledges that year.

Think about where and how you can start to personalize your communications with leads, customers and past clients. You can do it in your direct mail efforts and email. Some companies even provide their leads with their own personalized pages on their web site as they take them through the online selling process.

Personalization is a proven method of increasing marketing effectiveness.

Small Business Advertising Ideas © 2009 Glynns Thomas and Advertising Spark. All rights reserved.

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